Saturday 17 September 2011

Adoption, holding area, kennel cough - Nurhan's take:

Nurhan's take:

Henry David Thoreau, is recorded as having come up with the line, "most men live lives of quiet desperation." I can truly say that my 'desperation' with my work has been voiced quite loudly, but no one listens, not even those who really should. This led to the following conversation (with two of the good guys):

Auden: "have to go, have someone waiting for me."
Me "so do I."
A "My girlfriend can voice her displeasure."
Me "my pup mouths me more when I come, home. You don't fancy taking him out do you?" (said in jest).
Almo "you two live quite close together."

Which led to him being 'adopted' for a few hours:

Ida (shown), and Auden, collecting Kin on the way home from work, taking him home and introducing him to Stella (Nova Scotia Duck trolling Retriever - 4 year old bitch), and potentially their cat (who was last seen evacuating out of the kitchen window). Despite taking both (water) dogs for a walk around a lake, Kin at least remained dry! I'm going to have to ask how this was achieved, as I've never managed this trick! Picture shows Stella, Ida, & Kin.

I was hugely grateful for this as it meant that I could stay longer at work without worrying about him, didn't have to walk Kin when I came home, any work I manage to do during the week, means I have less to do at the weekends, and not least Kin loves company - any walk where he gets to play with another dog, is a good walk. Here he got to 'play' with a bitch the entire trip. Auden proposed that he'd fallen in love... what can I say, Kin is a bit of a dog!

This is Kin in a 'holding pattern' before a walk. It's almost like Kin's trying to say that when he goes to his bed, it's either walk, or food time. Occasionally he grabs it and comes running into the living room. Karma used to do the same, but Karma used to bundle it up and lie on it, Kin just seems to want to destroy it! Still he's a pup and pups are supposed to have lots of energy! 

Kin has one characteristic that I've not seen/noticed before in other dogs, for no reason that I can determine, one of his legs will start to shiver, for those folk that climb, this looks like 'sewing machine leg' where your leg muscles start trembling with strain just before you either overcome what it is your climbing or you take to the air for a (hopefully) brief flight. It doesn't seem to cause him any discomfort, you can press on the leg and there is no voiced pain, doesn't favour any leg, can't find any cause for it, and he doesn't seem to notice it's going on. 

Now Newfies are built more for comfort than speed. I could easily out run Karma (my last Newfie). Kin I suspect is faster than me... which is irritating as with Karma, other than when I was injured, I knew I could get to places before him (such as roads), Kin I don't have this with; but it does mean that functionally he's growing into a great boy. One thing I enjoy almost every morning, is the walk before work when I let him off the lead and he 'takes off' through the long grass, just happy to be alive. High speed turns and more often than not, a high speed wipe out. It's great to watch.

Today I suspect that Kin has kennel cough. Karma never had kennel cough, if Kin does have kennel cough, this will be the second time that he's had it, in his short life. I thought that once a dog had it once he didn't get it again for awhile as he had antibodies to it. Still it looks like kennel cough, or at least kennel cough lite. It's taken me awhile to register, he has very occasional retching and occasional snot coming out of a nostril, but nowhere near as bad as the first time he had it. Will see how he goes and keep him away from other dogs for a couple of days. Which isn't easy to do and means that we can't take a trip out to Bråstein, this weekend, which also means that he won't be so tired, which means it'll be harder for me to work, talking of which...

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