Monday 21 March 2011

The world according to Kin - Kin's take:


 My human still isn't getting any better at dishing out the treats, he still insists on putting them in boxes:

 Does he not realise how much work it is to get them out from here?!

As if that wasn't bad enough, when you do get them out:
he's stuffed the treats inside a bag and then put it in cardboard... it takes ages... when will he learn, "I look cute, he gives me treats"... How hard can this be to learn?!

 I'm also trying to train my human on lead etiquette... It's simple, when I sit down (which I do regularly, especially in the middle of roads) he's supposed to take the lead off. I don't need to drag him around all the time, it's enough that I can keep an eye on him... 

 Here you can just about see me in the middle of the picture, with another human... my human was running around below, shouting, waving his arms around, and being quite embarrassing really, but up here I could pretend that I didn't know him. Added to that folk kept giving me sausages, which made up for humans dropping gliders on my head.

 Was quite a tiring day though... was glad to come home and stretch out:

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