Tuesday 19 July 2011

Goodbye old friend, ouch, shoes, deer - Nurhan

Nurhan's take:

I should really be in bed by now but there is a reason why I have to write this post today, that I'll come to later in this posting.

Sheep TV is still a top channel, which is strange as these

folk didn't get a look in when Kin and I were walking off the lead... At least they didn't spark Kin's interest until they decided to exit stage right, at which point he decided to chase, now Newfie's are built for comfort, not speed... Deer's are built for speed. I walked in the other direction, called Kin and after 50 m of 'chase' (by which time the two above were in a different time zone), Kin turned round and ambled back.

Now onto shoes: Gortex is a wonderful invention, however with Gortex has every Tom, Dick, & Harry making Gortex boots, which has the advantage that you can buy them 'dirt' cheap now; and I do have a high attrition rate for 'dog walking footware'. Now for dog walking I don't buy expensive shoes, problem with this is that you tend to get shoes with soles like this:

Which are fine for walking on gravel type paths (which is what most folk would buy them for). This sole gives you some grip and because there are no sharp angle changes, the soles are 'kind' on paths. Indeed back in the 90's they tried introducing this kind of sole on proper walking boots, end result was that mountain paths suffered less erosion, BUT more people broke their legs. I've had two bad falls with these boots owing to the inadequate sole... I am now limping and have a good mark on one of my legs... time to fix this issue:

Notice the cut away section at the start of the heel. This is now a 90 degree angle. This is what catches when you start to slide (and because it catches it erodes paths; but stops you breaking your legs).

Now for the main reason for writing now.

Today is exactly a year since I lost my last Newfie, Karma. At New Year's 2009-2010, he was towing a friend's kids down a snow covered hill, but then he went dramatically down hill. He'd got to the stage when he showed little interest in food, or walks. He had difficulties getting up, and the life had gone out of his eyes. You have to make the decision what is best for him. He looked tired, and had reverted to a shadow of his former self. My heart was in a vice. I'd take him for a trip and ask him what he wanted to do, and after not very far he'd turn around and walk back to the house; I'd have tears in my eyes (as I do now). I spoke with my ex and she too agreed that his quality of life was now poor. Decided that I'd see how the weekend went and if he seemed the same then I'd release him from his failing body.

Karma always knew when something was up with me and he'd sleep in my bedroom when he detected something was wrong. Last two days of his life I slept downstairs (and had to put the stair gates up, as he'd fall down the stairs). On the Sunday I really was very upset. I'm sure he picked up on this. He ate his food with fresh meat in it (which he hadn't done the days before) then he struggled up and picked up a ball and batted his big head against my hand, to play. We did. Then I asked him if he wanted to go for a walk. He hadn't wanted to for weeks but again he seemed keen. We had certain places where I'd ask him where he wanted to go, all of these he looked for the long option. He fell over a couple of times (and landed on my heart). I stopped him from going too far as I couldn't see how he could; I believe that I saw relief in his eyes. We still managed to make it to the first lake (which we hadn't managed in weeks), and being a Newfie:
 (Notice his trade mark tail :)
We took it really slow back to the house, and he did fall over.

This last trip was a great trip, but it really did take it out of the little chap. I'm convinced that he only did this last trip to please me. He didn't stir for the rest of the day and most of the next day.

I sent a cryptic text message to several friends as I really needed some help. David:
Picked up that something was up and came over.

David spent the night and took this last picture of Karma:

(which I can't look at with dry eyes).
Shortly after this picture was taken, the vet arrived and released Karma from his failing body. He died in our garden, in my arms and I still miss him with emotions that I cannot describe.

David and I carried him to the vets car and seeing him drive off was another twist of the knife in my broken heart.

His ashes are in the corner of my garden where he loved to lie in the shade.

David was with Shannon and I when we went to pick Karma up, David helped me on this terrible day a year ago (which I can't thank him enough for), and David came with me to pick up Kin.

One closing remark, from personal experience I do believe that the spirit is separate from the body. There were drugs involved, but only medicinal; after one accident I ended up in a recovery room after one of my arms had been set with a local anaesthetic. I was somewhat out of it, but wondered what the view was like out the window, so went and looked. The view was good. Then I heard a nurse telling me to snap out of it, looked back and saw her leaning over me! Next moment I'm looking up at her through blurred eyes (I wear glasses or contacts). Now I'm an engineer and I can't explain what happened by any scientific means other than this was my spirit taking a 'walk'.

Karma now is walking with my father.

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