Friday 28 January 2011

Developments: - Kin

Kin's point of view:

Just when I find a comfy place to sleep:

Someone removes it... and cuts out the access to the pull toy on the wall... And there used to be a free standing lamp with a fantastic pull toy at the end of a long cord. In what seems to be a worrying trend, that's also disappeared.

Still on the plus side it's hard to sneak up on me when here:

This also has the benefit that my human can't put me in the hall, which he can seal off with gates and then he disappears. This is a worrying trend that I am going to have to rid him of...

I've also learn't that just because you can't see them:

Doesn't mean that they can't see you...

And last night there were two worrying developments... Firstly I think my human managed to sleep for two hours not only not on the sofa, but not within my sight... obviously this is not to be encouraged, just in case it turns into a bad habit.

And I am a bit worried about this:

Which is a very nosy device, that almost blows the fur off me when it's at it's noisiest. And I don't think I like the sadistic look in my human's eyes, as he brandishes the hose where the powerful jet of air comes out of.

I also discovered that there is an 'indoor heated miniature swimming pool' in the house. My human brought me into the room and lounged around in it. He taunted me as I tried to climb in, but he wouldn't let me climb in with him... what's going on there!

Still I was worried that he couldn't be trained, and through perseverence, I've trained him to open the back door on command! I still have a long way to go with him, but he is showing some encouraging signs that he can be trained to my needs.

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